
Hong Kong Still The Chosen Destination But Chinese Widen Their Horizons

relaxnews International

China's official tourism body has predicted that the nation will be sending more tourists overseas than ever before in 2010 -- and that they will be spending more money than ever too. Where once Chinese tourists were only permitted to travel to Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwain, since the 1990s the country has expanded its Approved Destination Status (ADS) program to include more than 100 countries.

Link: http://www.macauclip.com/mc/press/dailyclip.htm


O órgão oficial de turismo da China previu que a nação está a enviar em 2010 mais turistas estrangeiros do que nunca - e que vai ser gasto mais dinheiro do que nunca também. Quando antigamente os turistas chineses só eram autorizados a viajar para Hong Kong, Macau e Taiwain, desde os anos 1990 o país ampliou o Estatuto de Destino Aprovado (ADS) o programa que inclui mais de 100 países.

Link: http://www.macauclip.com/mc/press/dailyclip.htm