
Highlights of NPC Standing Committee Chairman WU Bangguo's Work Report

Xinhua News Agency

It revised the procedural rules for the Standing Committee, the Postal Law, the Statistics Law, and the Copyright Law, and passed a decision granting jurisdiction over Hengqin Island, where the new campus of the University of Macao is located, to the Macao Special Administrative Region.

Link: http://www.macauclip.com/mc/press/dailyclip.htm


Revisaram-se as regras processuais para a Comissão Permanente, a Lei Postal, Lei de Estatística, e a Lei de Direitos Autorais, e aprovou-se uma decisão que concede jurisdição sobre a Ilha Hengqin, onde o novo campus da Universidade de Macau está localizado, na Região Administrativa Especial de Macau.

Link: http://www.macauclip.com/mc/press/dailyclip.htm